Journal of Advances in Humanities and Social Sciences
Journal ISSN: 2414-3111
Article DOI:
Received: 5 November 2019
Accepted: 14 January 2020
Published: 13 June 2020
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  • Sin in the cosmological function of the mystical view-point of Ibn ‘Arabī: An interdisciplinary approach

Saeideh Sayari


This paper approaches mystic’s interpretation through a comprehensive and integrated system of existence regarding the theory of the unity of being as a central point in Ibn ‘A rabı̄’s thought. This study begins with analysis of the concepts ‘sin’ and ‘repentance’, and the theory of the unity of being in Ibn ‘A rabı̄’s texts. It also highlights how these concepts and theory were arranged to depict a systemic net of the actions and reactions in the cosmos. In the first step, Ibn ‘A rabı̄’s doctrine is explained, and then based on the concepts such as open systems, dynamics, complexity, and chaos a discussion is developed. The result will lead us to answer the question that how Ibn ‘A rabı̄ justifies the concept of sin and how his interpretation helps to understand the position of human beings in the universe. He looks at the phenomenon of human as a complex, open, chaotic system that reflects the divine attributes.