Journal of Advances in Humanities and Social Sciences
Journal ISSN: 2414-3111
Article DOI:
Received: 8 October 2018
Accepted: 12 November 2018
Published: 11 December 2018
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  • Casting shadows of doubt: Perspectives of reputable journalists on fake news

Maria Monica A. Gonzales, Elijah James D. Palaca, Saimehen Lloid P. Iluis, Mary Ann E. Tarusan

Published online: 2018


This study explored how three of Davao City’s reputable and veteran journalists viewed fake news and what they perceived as its causes and consequences. Since fake news elicits public attention because of its role in international and national elections, problems have been attributed to it. From in-depth interviews with the participants, results revealed that they viewed fake news as fabricated, unacceptable, causing ignorance, and money-making. The causes were pointed out as anyone can do, deliberate and motivated, and for profit. They identified the conse- quences as negative but entertaining, leading to the generalized judgment of news and destructive. In conclusion, the effects of fake news must be understood by society because it affects everyone in a democratic society that engages every individual in every dialogue. The press and the public need to understand that fake news can come from anyone in the city, country, or world.